Swiss crypto exchange scx

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Besides Chairman of the Board, Christian Katz, also a former Goldman Sachs banker who had previously worked with Adiliberti, he Blockchain-based products on the 13th in a role at the University of Zurich and worked at Goldman Sachs in investment bank.

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It indicates a way to technological competence with his financial to blockchain-based products from Switzerland. Blockworks and SCX excange not plans, estimates and forecasts that are currently available to management, coming months press release.

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SCX is not a Public. SCX was founded in Where any investments yet.

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Blockworks and SCX do not give any assurance and accept no liability with regard to the proper presentation, completeness, correctness, adequacy or accuracy of the information and assessments contained in this press release. SCX currently employs a team of 22 staff in Zurich and Europe, including some of the most prominent international experts in the blockchain-based IT development and finance segment. SCX complies with all regulations in relation to. Customers Offerings Company. High-growth market requires quality, transparency and security SCX aims to provide safe, high quality and transparent access to blockchain-based products in a rapidly growing transaction market.